16 July 2013

Crossing Lines S01E01

This was the expression on my face after 45 minutes of this ep.

Sorry, Billy.  I tried.  But it hurt too much.

15 July 2013

Crossing Lines S01E01 (NBC, 2013-)

What is it about Continental-flavoured television drama that I'll swallow rats like:
  1. an opening scene with a woman chased through the woods?
  2. dialogue that goes clumpity-clumpity-clump?
  3. and a cast that is straight out of a wannabe-Luc Besson production?
I have no idea.

Don't know the rap sheet on the creators of this House meets Criminal Intent meets Star Trek mini-series but I've been a closet fan of William Fichtner since Strange Days so I'm going to hang in for a bit.